Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Home Remedies for Burning Sensations of the Rectum

Home Remedies for Burning Sensations of the Rectum

Home remedies for a burning sensation of the rectum include the use of aloe vera, hot and cold packs, buttermilk, radish, cumin seeds, cranberries, coriander seeds, witch hazel, myrrh, white oak, Flowers of Sulfur, Vaseline, mango seeds, bayberry, figs, banana and lemon juice, mint juice, and honey in various forms and combinations.

Apart from this, maintaining good hygiene around the anus and eating the correct diet can also serve as good home remedies for burning in the rectum. The sensation of burning in the rectum is primarily caused by the appearance of hemorrhoids in the anal region.

Home remedies for the burning of the rectum can offer great relief to patients suffering from this irritating condition. The main cause of this problem is hemorrhoids in the anus. Hemorrhoids, also known as piles, are conditions when veins in the anus swell to form wide masses that touch the walls of the rectum. This problem is also accompanied by a number of other unpleasant conditions like bleeding, irritation, itching, pain, and inflammation. The home remedies used for treating burning sensations in the rectum are effective in treating all of these problems as well.

Causes of Hemorrhoids

There are many known causes of hemorrhoids, as confirmed by the experts from the University of San Jose California, which ultimately leads to burning sensations in the rectum and other related problems:

  • Unhygienic conditions around the anus cause hemorrhoids in the majority of cases.
  • Pregnancy is a contributing factor in this problem in women.
  • Both diarrhea and constipation can be responsible for the development of these unpleasant masses, as well as excessive or aggressive wiping of the rectal area after bowel movements.
  • Applying strain during bowel movements can also lead to this unfortunate problem by putting pressure on the veins of the anus, which then become inflamed.
  • Overeating of spicy foods, along with caffeine and sugar products, is also one of the root causes of this frustrating condition.

The good news is that there are many home remedies for burning sensations in the rectum that are recommended by the experts, which can save you a visit to a medical expert. However, if an advanced stage of piles has already been reached, you should definitely consult a doctor, and as him or her about the possibility of using a more aggressive modern treatment in conjunction with some of the traditional, home remedies that have been used for hundreds of years.

Here are some important home-based remedies, useful in treating burning sensations in the rectum and other signs of hemorrhoids.

Mango Seeds: You can dry mango seeds and crush them to make a powder.  Patients suffering from burning sensations in their rectum should consume 2 grams of this powder with honey twice a day. This is an effective and common home-based solution for hemorrhoids that has been used for hundreds of years in tropical cultures. It works primarily because mangoes have natural anti-inflammatory components in the seeds which become functional when they are crushed.

Coriander Seeds: Coriander seeds are also considered to be effective remedies for piles and various signs and symptoms associated with it. You should soak some coriander seeds in water before sleeping at night and then consume the solution in the morning. Uncomfortable conditions like burning and bleeding of the rectum can be easily treated with this remedy. Coriander has a wide variety of health benefits, and its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, stomachic, and spasmolytic properties make it a useful defense against piles and rectal burning.

Bayberry: You can prepare a mixture of bayberry, myrrh, white oak and goldenseal root and use it as an ointment for relieving the pain and burning caused by piles in the rectum. Bayberry has been shown to reduce the size and severity of hemorrhoids, while the other ingredients are all associated with anti-inflammatory or anesthetic/numbing effects. Together, this mixture is ideal for solving your uncomfortable condition.

Banana: It has been found that consuming mashed banana with a cup of boiled milk can reduce the burning sensation in the rectum. Potassium is a major component of bananas, and it has been widely studied as a vasodilator, which means that it relaxes blood vessels, leading to less stress and pressure on the veins around the rectum. Also, potassium acts as an astringent, which shrinks or tightens body tissues, including the tissue that becomes inflamed during rectal irritation. This boost in potassium has a wealth of health benefits, but its powerful activities in terms of hemorrhoids and rectal burning are certainly some of the best!

Figs: One of the most commonly recommended home remedies for burning sensations in the rectum is available in the form of figs. You should soak at least 4 figs in water at night and consume them in the morning. It is better to consume these figs on an empty stomach. You can also create a decoction from fig leaves, and apply that topically to the irritated area. When you do both of these things together, internally and externally, the results typically show themselves much faster.

Cumin Seeds: You can mix the powdered form of cumin seeds with water to form a thick paste. Then, gently apply this paste to the anus to make the area cool and quickly remove the burning sensation. The mixture of roasted and non-roasted cumin seeds, in their ground up form, can be consumed with water to get relief from this type of burning. Cumin shows similar astringent effects to the potassium of bananas, so it shrinks the hemorrhoid, so there is less surface area to be irritated.

Buttermilk: Buttermilk has the ability to reduce the temperature of body and produce a cooling effect. You should consume buttermilk regularly to get rid of the burning sensation felt inside the rectum.

Lemon Juice and Coriander Juice: You can get relief from uncomfortable rectal burning by mixing lemon juice with mint juice and honey and drinking it at least 3 times a day. This is another useful remedy for reducing the burning and pain in the rectum. Also, you can drink coriander juice by mixing sugar into it 3 times a day to achieve the same relief. Lemon juice is used for many different conditions as an anti-inflammatory agent that reduces swelling and irritation, while adding mint juice provides a natural soothing and anesthetic agent to relieve the itching and burning sensation.

Hot and Cold Packs: You can also use hot and cold packs externally to extinguish the feeling of burning caused by piles in the rectum. You can also sit in a warm tub of water to get some relief from burning, as suggested by experts at the Ochsner Clinic in New Orleans, Louisiana. This alternation of hot and cold is similar to what people suggest after an injury where the spot is swelling or inflamed. The temperature variations usually result in a decrease in swelling as well as enhanced blood flow to the area for healing and cell repair. This is a great way to deal with the pain and discomfort of hemorrhoids quickly!

Witch Hazel: Witch Hazel belongs to the family of a flowering plant. You can apply it to the anus through the use of cotton pads to eliminate the burning sensation and other associated signs of piles. It has anti-inflammatory and astringent properties, which will reduce the burning sensation in your rectum. Only a small amount is needed, witch hazel salves can be quite powerful.
Cranberries: You can blend 1 spoon of cranberries and put them inside cheesecloth. Patients suffering from hemorrhoids can keep this cheesecloth in the rectum and this can relieve the burning sensations and pain caused by piles. Cranberries are vulnerary fruits and known to be anti-inflammatory in nature. They are also prescribed for serious intestinal and stomach disorders because they are so effective!

Radish: You can consume radishes in their grated form or in the form of juice by adding salt to it. The paste of this vegetable mixed in milk is also a favorable remedy for hemorrhoids. Radishes are an emenagogue, as well as an anti-inflammatory agent that is used for a variety of health conditions.  Also, they are rich in fiber, which regulates bowel movements and makes them more regular, as well as stimulating peristatic motion and the secretion of digestive juices. This eases the passage of bowel movements, which helps to reduce further exacerbation of your hemorrhoids.

Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera has been known for its many medicinal properties for centuries. In case of piles and burning sensations in the rectum, you can apply it to the anus to reduce the burning sensation. Also has natural soothing and anti-inflammatory qualities which is why it is so often used for sunburn and other inflammation.

Finally, maintaining good hygiene in the region around the anus can prevent piles and the other undesirable conditions associated with it. You can increase the content of fiber in your diet to provide treatment for this problem. Avoid eating spicy food, tea, coffees and sugar-rich foods in excessive amounts to further reduce the symptoms associated with rectal burning. And again, if the situation becomes too serious, do not hesitate to contact a doctor. Most of these home remedies can be combined with more mainstream treatments, but you should consult your doctor first if you think the problem is getting serious.

Sources:  https://www.organicfacts.net/home-remedies/home-remedies-for-burning-of-rectum.html

Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Home Remedies for Dengue Fever

Home Remedies for Dengue Fever

Some of the most effective home remedies for dengue fever include the use of barley grass, goldenseal, neem leaves, papaya, orange juice, coriander, basil leaves, water, fenugreek, and pomegranate juice.

Dengue Fever

When it comes to widespread viruses affecting millions of people each year, dengue fever is one of the worst. While its mortality rate is relatively low, between 50 million and 500 million people are affected each year by the dengue virus, which is transmitted via mosquitoes. This tropical disease used to be somewhat limited in its reach, but since the middle of the 20th century, it has become endemic in more than 100 countries. There are several types of mosquitoes that can transmit the disease, of which there are five varieties. If you survive one type of dengue fever, then you typically have lifelong immunity to that variety, but if you then contract a second type later in life, it usually results in much more serious complications.

The symptoms of dengue fever, also known as “breakbone fever”, are typically a sudden onset fever, body aches, headaches, muscle pain, and a skin rash that closely resembles measles. While 80% of contracted cases are asymptomatic or imperceptibly mild, approximately 5% of cases show serious symptoms, while less than 1% of cases prove to be fatal. Dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock are the two more serious forms that dengue fever can take, the former resulting in bleeding and severe platelet decline, whereas the latter results in a dangerous plunge in blood pressure. While there is no vaccination or cure for the dengue virus, treatment of secondary conditions is common, and in most cases, patients can survive. However, due to the lack of a formalized cure, many herbal and home remedies have been developed, the most popular and effective of which are explained in greater detail below.

Home Remedies for Dengue Fever

The most effective form of “treatment” is actually prevention, but fending off annoying mosquitoes can be very difficult. Some of the most effective preventative strategies are avoiding or eliminating standing, stagnant water, as that is where mosquitoes reproduce. Also, if you are in a heavily wooded or tropical area, apply mosquito repellent to any exposed skin and your clothes. If possible, keep exposed skin to a minimum and ensure that wherever you sleep is fully enclosed, including tears in any mosquito netting that you may put in place to protect yourself.

However, in case you are infected by the dengue virus, follow some of these home remedies below for a quick recovery and an alleviation of your symptoms.

Barley Grass: Barley grass has the unique ability to significantly increase the body’s blood platelet count by stimulating the production of more blood cells. You can drink barley tea or eat barley grass directly and see a rapid increase in platelet count, which is one of the more serious side effects of dengue fever that can prolong weakness and increase the susceptibility of the body to dengue hemorrhagic fever and more serious complications.

Goldenseal: Although many herbal or natural remedies aren’t directly approved or proven through research, homeopathic physicians have praised goldenseal for its ability to clear up the symptoms of dengue fever very quickly and eliminate the virus from the body. Goldenseal not only helps to ease fevers, chills, headaches, nausea, and vomiting, but its natural antiviral capacity can essentially cure dengue fever in a matter of days.

Water: This may seem like common sense, but due to the excessive sweating, bodily exertion, and the internal toll that dengue fever takes on the body, extreme dehydration is common. Drink as much water as possible to keep the body hydrated, which will also help to ease symptoms like headaches and muscle cramps, both of which are exacerbated by dehydration. Furthermore, water will help to flush the body and eliminate excess toxins that can complicate the viral impact of the pathogen.

Neem Leaves: Neem leaves are commonly prescribed for a variety of ailments, and dengue fever is no exception. Steeping neem leaves and then drinking the subsequent brew has been shown to increase both blood platelet count and white blood cell count, two of the most dangerous side effects of the virus. Properly brewed neem leaves can improve the immune system and return your strength much faster than many other home remedies.

Papaya Leaves: Although the exact pathway is unclear, papaya leaves are widely known as being a natural cure for dengue fever. The complex mix of nutrients and organic compounds in papayas can cause a rise in your platelet count, the high levels of vitamin C help stimulate the immune system, and the antioxidants help to reduce oxidative stress and eliminate excess toxins in the blood. The leaves can be crushed and then strained with a cloth to drink the pure juice.

Orange Juice: The rich mixture of antioxidants and vitamins found in orange juice make it ideal for treating the secondary symptoms of dengue fever and eliminating the virus. Orange juice helps to promote antibodies of the immune system, increase urination and the release of toxins, and stimulates cellular repair due to vitamin C’s crucial role in the creation of collagen.

Fenugreek: Fenugreek leaves are known to reduce fever and act as a slight sedative to ease pain and promote more restful sleep for patients. This is a popular home remedy for dengue fever symptoms in numerous places around the world.

Basil: Chewing on basil leaves may not sound particularly appetizing, but this is known to be an important immune-boosting technique, and has long been recommended in Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of dengue fever. Basil essential oil also has natural insecticidal properties that will make you less attractive mosquitoes, making basil a treatment and a preventative strategy!

A Final Word of Warning: Although most cases of dengue fever are not fatal, the fever can progress rapidly to more serious stages if the initial symptoms are not treated and preventative measures are not taken. If at all possible, seek professional medical attention if you think you’ve contracted dengue fever; only use these home remedies as supplemental treatments and realize that these aren’t formal “cures”.

Sources: https://www.organicfacts.net/home-remedies/dengue-fever.html

Health Benefits of Marjoram Essential Oil

Health Benefits of Marjoram Essential Oil

The health benefits of Marjoram Essential Oil can be attributed to its properties as an analgesic, antispasmodic, anaphrodisiac, antiseptic, antiviral, bactericidal, carminative, cephalic, cordial, diaphoretic, digestive, diuretic, emenagogue, expectorant, fungicidal, hypotensive, laxative, nervine, sedative, stomachic, vasodilator and vulnerary substance.

This essential oil is extracted by steam distillation of both fresh and dried leaves of the marjoram plant, also known as Knotted Marjoram, which has the scientific name Origanum Marjorana. The main components of marjoram oil are Sabinene, Alpha Terpinene, Gamma Terpinene, Cymene, Terpinolene, Linalool, Sabinene Hydrate, Linalyl Acetate, Terpineol and Gamma Terpineol. This is a plant of the Mediterranean region that has been well known and respected for its medicinal uses for many years.

Health Benefits of Marjoram Essential Oil

Let’s find out more about what health benefits this versatile essential oil contains, you’ll almost certainly find something that will help your overall health!

Analgesic: marjoram oil reduces the pain associated with colds, fevers, inflammation, overexertion of muscles, toothaches, headaches and numerous other sources. The best thing about this is that it does not have any adverse side effects, unlike the other analgesic pain relievers available on the market.

Antispasmodic: Marjoram essential oil is helpful in curing nearly all types of spasms and related problems. It efficiently relieves spasm in the respiratory system and intestines, and muscular spasms in the limbs. It also helps to cure convulsions, pulled muscles, cramps, and spasmodic cholera that are caused from uncontrollable spasms.

Anaphrodisiac: As you can probably guess, this is the exact opposite of being an aphrodisiac. Marjoram essential oil helps to suppress or control sexual desires. This property is beneficial for those who are suffering from abnormal and extreme sexual urges.

Antiseptic: The antiseptic properties of marjoram oil make it a good application for both external and internal wounds. It also functions well as an ingredient of antiseptic lotions and creams. This protects the wounds against becoming septic and developing tetanus.

Antiviral: Furthermore,  can be effective in curing infections from viruses and ailments associated with them, such as the common cold, influenza, mumps, measles and even pox.

Bactericidal: Marjoram oil kills bacteria, so it can protect you from food poisoning, typhoid, malaria, colic, and bacterial infections in the colon, skin, digestive system, urinary tract and other parts of the excretory system.

Carminative: Marjoram essential oil can efficiently handle any gas trouble you may have. It provides the gases a safe downward passage by relaxing the muscles in the abdominal region and also stops further gas from forming. This help get rid of a number of related problems such as indigestion, nausea, vomiting, stomachache, chest pain, hypertension and excessive flatulence.

Cephalic: Marjoram oil is very good for the functioning of your brain. It keeps it healthy and active and does not let it get dull with advanced age, thereby relieving debilitating conditions like Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. This quality also relieves you of headaches.

Cordial: It has a general warming effect on the body’s systems, and it improves circulation to increase blood flow, furthering warming your cells. This property helps to get rid of coughs and excess phlegm, while simultaneously relieving the pain of arthritis and rheumatism.

Diaphoretic: Marjoram Oil promotes perspiration and keeps you healthy by aiding in the removal of toxins, sodium salts and excess water from the body. This also helps bring down fevers and even helps you lose weight, since urine is composed of approximately 4% fat.

Digestive: Marjoram seeds have been in use as a remedy to facilitate digestion for many years. This digestive property of marjoram seeds comes from its essential oils. Marjoram oil promotes digestion by stimulating the secretion of digestive juices like gastric juices, acids and bile in the stomach, while its aroma alone can stimulate the salivary glands and thus aid in the primary digestion of food in the mouth. Lastly, this oil stimulates the peristaltic movement of the intestines and helps the ingested food to advance through digestive tract, thereby facilitating digestion and regular bowel movements.

Diuretic: Marjoram Oil increases the frequency of urination and the quantity of urine, thus helping to remove excess water, sodium, uric acid, bile salts and other toxic elements from the body. Increased urination also lowers blood pressure, cleans kidneys and reduces fat. Just one thing to remember, if you are not suffering from swelling or accumulation of water in the body, then you should drink more water if you are taking marjoram oil, since frequent urination can lead to dehydration, which is also quite dangerous for your health.

Menagogue: Ladies who have problems with irregular, obstructed or painful menstruation can benefit from the emenagogue property of marjoram oil. Not only does it help to clear menses and make them regular, it also provides relief from other symptoms associated with periods, such as headache, pain in the abdominal area, dizziness, and mood swings. Finally, marjoram oil can help prevent untimely or premature menopause from setting in.

Expectorant: Marjoram essential oil has been shown to be quite effective at giving relief from the deposition of mucus and phlegm in the throat and sinuses, as well as congestion of the nasal tract, larynx, pharynx, bronchi and lungs due to colds and viral infections. It is particularly effective on chronic coughing.

Fungicidal: It inhibits the growth of fungus and helps to cure fungal infections. This property helps cure a number of skin diseases, most of which are caused due to fungal infections. It also helps cure dysentery, which is often caused due to dangerous fungal growth.

Hypotensive: It helps lower blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart attacks, strokes, and brain hemorrhaging

Laxative: It helps to clear out the bowels by stimulating the large intestine and relaxing the excretory system as a whole.

Vulnerary: Marjoram Essential Oil acts as a vulnerary by promoting the quick healing of wounds, both external and internal, and protecting them from infections.

Sedative: marjoram oil induces a calming, relaxing and sedative effect on both the mind and body while relieving nervous stress and anxiety. It also generates a happy feeling in cases of anger or sadness. This property can be helpful to pacify people who suffered some sort of shock, trauma, or major setback in life.

Nervine: It strengthens the entire nervous system, tones it, and keeps you active, while protecting you from various nervous disorders.

Stomachic: Marjoram oil is stomachic, meaning that it keeps the stomach in proper order. It cures stomach disorders and ulcers and ensures proper flow of bile, gastric juices, and acids into the stomach. Sometimes, the inner lining of the stomach becomes corroded due to prolonged acidity and can result in the formation of ulcers. This happens due to a lack of bile, which neutralizes the acids. Marjoram oil can help you avoid this situation as well, since it maintains those proper secretions in the stomach.

Vasodilator: This is a very important medicinal property of marjoram oil and can be a blessing for those who are at high risk for heart attacks, atherosclerosis, or brain hemorrhaging due to hypertension. This widens and relaxes the blood vessels, eases the flow of blood, and reduces blood pressure, thereby lessening the strain on the entire cardiovascular system.

Other Benefits: This powerful essential oil helps to cure headache, sinusitis, colds, bronchitis, asthma, stress, insomnia, pain in muscles and joints, and fatigue.

A Few Words of Caution: It has no inherent risks, but as with many alternative medicines and aromatherapy techniques. Pregnant women should avoid it.

Sources: https://www.organicfacts.net/health-benefits/essential-oils/health-benefits-of-marjoram-essential-oil.html

Health Benefits of Butea Superba

Health Benefits of Butea Superba

Some of the most interesting health benefits of butea superba include its ability to reduce fatigue, lower cholesterol, increase libido, stimulate male fertility, reduce inflammation, benefit hair health, treat certain types of cancer, and boost heart health.
Butea Superba

If you’re looking for a natural male enhancement method, then looking into the benefits of Butea superba is a very good place to start. Although there are dozens of other potential uses and benefits of this powerful herb from Thailand, its effects on sexual libido and male sexual performance has made it very important to a number of cultures throughout history. It essentially acts the same as a crawling vine and grows up existing trees to access sunlight. However, the deep root of the Butea superba herb is where most of the beneficial nutrients are, which is why the tubers are so sought after. It has largely been kept a secret in that region, but in recent decades, and with the rise of globalization, Butea superba has now become a highly desirable male supplement in other parts of the world.

Studies of the root itself have shown it to be rich in a variety of different nutrients and chemicals, including sterol, flavonoids, phytochemicals, and more than 15 other unique acids and components that affect human health in many ways. In other words, although Butea superba is famous for its effects on the male sex drive, more and more potential uses are being discovered all the time. Now, let’s take a closer look at some of those important health benefits of Butea superba.

Health Benefits of Butea Superba

Male Energy and Enhancement: Most of the attention for Butea superba does come from men, and with good reason. The phytoandogens found in such high supply within the herb mimic male hormones, which gives men faster recovery times, increased muscle tone, strength, and energy. While women can benefit from the herb for other health issues, there isn’t much good that male hormone-mimicking substances would do in their body in terms of sexual performance.

Heart Health: There are a number of phytonutrients and flavonoids that directly access cardiovascular function, helping to combat heart disease and cholesterol levels. Although the exact pathways are not completely understood, it is clear that cholesterol is more balanced in individuals who use Butea superba and rebalance their hormonal levels. Hormones are a very important part of all bodily functions, including the activities of the heart.

Hair Loss: A similarly stimulating effect can also be found for men who are suffering from hair loss or thinning. Similar to saw palmetto extracts, Butea superba stimulates certain elements of males that causes hair re-growth and strengthening, a long-awaited solution to an endless problem.

Erectile Dysfunction: Sexual performance isn’t only limited to energy and physical fitness; erectile dysfunction affects millions of men, both young and old. Butea superba has shown a remarkable ability, both in modern research and traditional usage, to stimulate the sexual libido, encouraging stronger orgasms, increased blood flow, and higher chances of conception. If you’ve been feeling less than your best in the bedroom, try adding some Butea superba to the mix.

Bone Health: Other studies unrelated to sexual performance have shown a marked increase in bone strength and bone mineral density with consumption of Butea superba, perhaps due to its influence on nutrient uptake efficiency in the gut. This makes Butea superba important for people suffering from osteoporosis and other degenerative bone diseases.

Anti-Inflammatory Activity: The anti-inflammatory properties of the many organic compounds and substances found in the Butea superba herb make it an ideal treatment approach for arthritis or other inflammatory conditions, such as gout or even hemorrhoids.

Cancer Treatment: There have been early studies conducted on potential anti-carcinogenic activity of certain compounds in Butea superba. By preventing a certain enzymatic reaction from occurring within the body, Butea superba can keep cancerous cells from dividing and multiplying, thereby being a possible treatment for halting the spread of cancerous tissues and cells.

A Final Word of Warning: There are no known allergenic trends with Butea superba, but not enough research has been done on many demographics of the population to know for sure. Women who are pregnant or nursing are not recommended to use Butea superba, as its full effects are unknown, and its effects on hormonal balance could be dangerous. Before adding such a powerful supplement to your daily or weekly regiment, speak to your medical professional to ensure that taking Butea superba is appropriate or necessary.

Sources: https://www.organicfacts.net/health-benefits/other/butea-superba.html

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

How to Relieve Clogged Nose And Start to Breathing Again

How to Relieve Clogged Nose And Start to Breathing Again 


    A little salt
    1 cup of lukewarm water (200ml)


The salt concentration in the rinse water of the nose is based on its concentration of the infusion solution 0.9%, which means a teaspoon of salt (about 10g) per liter of water.

In a glass of warm water put a pinch of salt (about one fifth of a teaspoon, nothing will happen even if you put a little more, but not a full scoop, because it might damage the mucous membrane).


Pour a little of the solution in the right arm and with the right nostril sniff a little of the solution into the nose, while the finger of the left hand should block the left nostril. Raise you head a little and let the water come out of your mouth.

Spit and blow your nostril. Repeat the same procedure with the left nostril, while the right is clogged. -

The most important thing is to master the implementation of the solution through the nose and out of the mouth, because it allows you to completely rinse, which makes this method different from others.

In the beginning it will be little uncomfortable until you get used to it.

This should be practiced in the morning and in the evening because this way you will be expelling particles, viruses and other bacteria accumulated in the nose and prevent the occurrence of disease.

In the already – present fullness, the procedure should be applied three times a day as a relief of the symptoms.

This method is more like – better safe than sorry- but it has helped many people with fever.

- See more at: http://www.healthylifevision.com/how-to-relieve-clogged-nose-and-start-to-breathing-again/#sthash.uhYHV4Xf.dpuf

Reduce High Blood Pressure in 5 Minutes without Using Drugs

Reduce High Blood Pressure in 5 Minutes without Using Drugs


High blood pressure is more serious and more regular problem in many people. There are several reasons for the high blood pressure, of which the most common is stress or physical load on the muscles. To reduce the blood pressure it is necessary to relax the muscles.


The line going from point 1 to point 2 shown in the photograph shouldn’t be pressed too hard, or massaged, but should be gently canoodled with caressing gesture from top to bottom, with only the tips of the fingers. Repeat 10 times on one side and 10 times on the other side.

Point number 2 is located near the collarbone, and should be massages with your fingertips 1 minute on both sides separately. Press strong, but not to feel pain.

After this simple treatment the high blood pressure will return to normal.

As Lee Hunsen says, what is important – is the regulation of blood circulation.

See more at: http://www.healthylifevision.com/reduce-high-pressure-in-5-minutes-without-using-drugs/#sthash.Z3sZDLnE.dpuf

Friday, 20 March 2015

Why Soy Isn't As Bad For You As Everyone Says

Why Soy Isn't As Bad For You As Everyone Says

By Dr. Joel Kahn

I ate dinner last night with another plant-based interventional cardiologist (triathlete Heather Shenkman, MD) at Vinh Loi Tofu in California and had one delicacy after another featuring homemade tofu crafted by the culinary genius Kevin Tran. How can two cardiologists enjoy soy as a healthy food choice when so many websites and media comments emphasize the dangers of eating soy? Have I lost my mind?

With the new USDA dietary guidelines emphasizing "a diet higher in plant-based foods such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds lower in calories and animal-based foods is more health promoting and is associated with less environmental impact than is the current US diet," more people may be exploring tofu in their diet.

Dr. Neal Barnard of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine reviewed data on soy and health in 2012, so I took a look at recent medical research on soy to ensure that my meal last night was a health-promoting choice.

1. Soy and heart attacks

Chinese researchers studied 1,312 cases of first-time heart attack sufferers and 2,235 control subjects. An unhealthy dietary pattern increased the risk of heart attack while increased intake of vegetables, fruits and tofu were associated with a significant drop in heart attack rates. So I guess two cardiologists made a good choice.

2. Soy and prostate cancer

A meta-analysis of men diagnosed with prostate cancer found that the risk of this serious disease was cut in half by regular ingestions of soy and soy isoflavones.

3. Soy and breast cancer

Japanese researchers performed an evaluation of research and identified studies that showed everything from a slight to a significant reduction in breast cancer with increased soy food intake.

Additionally, a meta-analysis of 35 studies from Asian countries was performed to examine soy intake and breast cancer risk. Soy intake significantly reduced breast cancer risk by 40% in both pre- and post-menopausal women in these countries.

4. Soy and eczema risk

The association between maternal intake of a soy product called natto during pregnancy and the risk of eczema in the babies born of these pregnancies was assessed by researchers. They found much lower incidence of eczema in babies of mothers who ate the most natto.

5. Soy and ovarian cancer

In southern China, 500 women with ovarian cancer were compared to 500 controls, and the amount of soy products eaten was assessed. Regular soy intake was associated with a dramatically lower rate of ovarian cancer with a dose-response relationship.

6. Soy and mortality

The Singapore Chinese Health Study examined more than 52,000 men and women free of chronic diseases at entry between 1993 and 1998, and followed them through 2011. During that time, there were more than 10,000 deaths. A pattern of eating a vegetable-, fruit- and soy-rich diet was associated with up to a 25% less risk of dying during the study period, and included fewer heart and cancer deaths.

The bulk of the data that has emerged from scientific studies, admittedly often of Asian populations and based on associations, supports the promotion of soy products in the diet for health optimization. Clearly there are individuals with soy allergies who should avoid this class of foods.

Ideally, you'd only choose non-GMO and organic products, which can be difficult since the majority of soy-based products are GMO. Genetically modified soybeans are routinely fed to animals for meat production and may be a source of concern for those regularly ingesting nonorganic sources of meat.

Dan Buettner, author of The Blue Zones, has said that "black beans and soy beans are the cornerstones of longevity diets around the world." If you have a chance, say hi to Kevin at Vinh Liu Tofu, and sample some of his healthy (and possibly life-extending) delicacies.

Sources: http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-17741/why-soy-isnt-as-bad-for-you-as-everyone-says.html

5 Superfoods For A Healthier Gut

If You Only Eat 5 Superfoods, Eat These

5 Superfoods For A Healthier Gut

By Dr. Amy Shah 

Every year, a few new superfoods make their way into our kitchens and our recipes. While coconut oil, chia seeds and kale may have been the stars of years past, the following newcomers are finding  Read

I pore over articles about superfoods, nutrients and vitamins to see which ones I would actually recommend to patients. I try and discern which ones are backed by science to determine the ones that are worth spending the time and money to eat.

I came up with my four favorites, which I have listed below.

The superfoods I include in this list are all ones that are relatively inexpensive, making them easier to consume regularly (at least three times per week). You should eat these as part of a balanced whole food, plant-based diet. They are easy to sprinkle on greens, add to smoothies or to take in supplement form.

1. Turmeric/Curcumin

The active ingredient in curcumin (or turmeric) is well studied as an anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer agent.

It's a promising treatment for Alzheimer's as well.

As we know, a huge portion of the immune system lies in the gut. Using curry powder or raw turmeric can boost it.

How To Eat: Add a 1/2 spoonful in hot water was a tea or added to your green (vegetable) juice.

2. Garlic

Garlic can lower blood pressure and treat colds. It can also reduce the risk of various cancers.

Garlic was re-popularized by Tim Ferriss who says it helped him "inhibit fat regain".

How To Eat: Raw is best, but if you can't fathom eating it raw, extracts are available.

3. Ground flax seeds

Flaxseeds can help with blood sugar control and potentially inhibit certain cancers, such as prostate and breast.

Additionally, they offer a good dose of soluble fiber.

How To Eat: Add 2-3 tablespoons to your daily smoothie or over a salad.

4. Chia seeds

One tablespoon of chia offers more calcium than a glass of milk. It's also full of antioxidants!

Rich in fiber, they are also great for weight loss.

How To Eat: My favorite way to eat them is soak them so they get a gel like consistency. Add two tablespoons soaked for 15 minutes to smoothies or you can drink it with water, stevia and lemon.

5. Spirulina

Spirulina is a great for immune support, protein, and as source of vegan omega-3s. The taste is a bit strong for lots of people, but the benefits, especially for plant-based eaters, are well worth it.

Green Chocolate Smoothie

Here's a quick and easy green "chocolate" smoothie that incorporates both chia and flax seeds.

Serves 2


    2 cups cold almond milk
    2 handfuls spinach
    1 kale leaf, medium
    1 cup fresh or frozen berries
    2 tablespoons chia seeds (pre soaked)
    1 tablespoon ground flax seeds
    1 tablespoon cocoa powder


Blend all ingredients in a high power blender until smooth.

Sources: http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-17911/if-you-only-eat-5-superfoods-eat-these.html

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Grow Your Own Antibacterial Bandages

Here’s How To Grow Your Own Antibacterial Bandages

Many people are beginning to see the benefit of growing your own food, but growing your own medicine is as important to your health.  Have you heard of Wooly Lamb’s Ear?  Woolly lamb’s ears is also known as woolly woundwort. The whole plant is medicinal as an alterative, antibacterial, antipyretic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, febrifuge, hypotensive, stomachic, styptic, tonic, astringent, carminative, diuretic, vulnerary. It  can be used in place of bandages. It absorbs blood and helps it to clot more easily. In fact Lamb’s Ear has been used for 100s and 100s of years as a wound dressing, especially on the battle field, so it is a shame that this kind of natural first aid knowledge is dying out…

How To Grow Your Own Antibacterial Bandages (Wooly Lamb’s Ear) From Seed

Lamb’s ears is very hardy, and very easy to grow. It requires full sun, good drainage, and little more. Over the years your patch will become overgrown and will need to be thinned out every, perhaps, 2-3 years. To keep the patch neat you can cut back the flowering stems once they have finished flowering and they are beginning to develop seeds.

1. Fill a well-draining container with Seed Starting Mix.  A yogurt cup with holes poked in the bottom works nicely.

2. Wet the soil thoroughly. If you’re on city water, use filtered water for your plants.The chemicals in treated water can inhibit plant growth.

3. Plant 1-2 seeds per small container (thinning out the weakest seedling), or plant seeds about 6″ apart in a larger pot, burying them 1/4″ deep.

4. Keep the soil moist and the containers out of direct light until the seedlings germinate. As soon as you see the tops of the plants emerging, put them somewhere where they can get at least 6 hours of sunlight daily, or under a grow light. It helps to set the cups/pots in a shallow tray of water to keep the soil from drying out.

5. When the plants have at least three sets of leaves, they’re ready to be transplanted to a semi-shady place in your yard. Space them 12″ apart. They will multiply readily in good soil.

Sources: : http://complete-health-and-happiness.com/heres-how-to-grow-your-own-antibacterial-bandages

Monday, 16 March 2015

Five foods that work miracles on digestive problems

Five foods that work miracles on digestive problems

Whether you have been diagnosed with a digestive disease or not, chances are you are suffering from some type of intestinal distress. We have wandered a long ways away from clean, unprocessed, and live foods. The resulting deficiency has left our guts raw and inflamed – a precursor to all sorts of diseases (many of them autoimmune).

In order to clean up the gut, we need some powerful foods to start repairing the damage, while we transition to a more gut friendly whole foods diet. These are five of them.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is a special plant known as the “lily of the desert”. Although it has been historically used topically to treat open wounds, ulcers, burns, and infections, in recent years it has become popular due to the fact it can also treat these types of conditions internally.

Due to its very high enzymatic content; its antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties; and the fact that it is a powerful anti-inflammatory, aloe vera is a boon to anyone suffering from digestive complaints. It has been used successfully to treat a wide variety of conditions related to the gut, including:

• Ulcers, IBS, Crohn’s disease, colitis, and other digestive disorders
• Candida infections
• Parasitic infections
• Acid reflux
• Constipation

Be careful when choosing aloe vera as some brands may contain preservatives like sodium benzoate, which are very harmful to the intestinal lining.

Bone broth

Bone broth is an excellent option for healing and sealing the gut, provided it is made from the carcasses of animals fed clean and nutritious diets. It is also easily digestible and contains many valuable nutrients to heal the gut.

One of these nutrients is gelatin, which protects and heals the mucosal lining of the digestive tract and also assists in the digestion of nutrients. It also contains high levels of the amino acids glycine and proline, which are very anti-inflammatory.

Coconut kefir

Coconut kefir (fermented coconut water), is a probiotic and enzyme rich beverage that promotes healthy bacterial balance and helps cleanse the liver.

Coconut kefir will enhance hydration and recolonize your gut and mucous membranes with a wide variety of beneficial microflora. It also contains beneficial yeasts that seek out and destroy pathogenic yeasts in the body (like Candida) as well as helping clean, strengthen, and purify intestinal walls so it can become more resistant to dangerous pathogens like E. coli, salmonella, and parasites.

Coconut kefir also helps assimilate nutrients in the gut and enhances the usage of certain trace minerals and B-vitamins. For a simple recipe, check out the first source.

Flax seed tea

Flax seed tea is excellent for healing the colon, especially if you suffer from leaky gut syndrome or irritable bowel. It is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, soluble fiber, and lignans, which create an anti-inflammatory and lubricating effect that are critical to regaining proper digestive health.

This tea eliminates the problems associated with eating whole flax seeds (which do not digest properly), and is a bit easier to digest than flax meal. To make, simply poor 12 ounces of boiling water over a tablespoon of flaxseeds and let steep overnight. Drain and drink the liquid.

Red cabbage

Glutamine is a critical part of our digestive system and helps prevent and rebuild a leaky gut. Glutamine has been shown to be effective in people with ulcerative colitis, celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, and irritable bowel syndrome.

Red cabbage is considered the most dense vegetable form of L-glutamine. A great way to assimilate it is through juicing or fermenting. Try fermenting it and adding apple cider vinegar to it to create an abundance of enzymes and beneficial bacteria that allow amino acids and other nutrients to be more easily absorbed and used by the body.

The biggest hurdle to healing the gut is recognizing problems before they become full-blown and extremely difficult to manage. To head off that nightmare, check out Candida Infection? Try the Spit Test! to see if this insidious condition is about to plague your health, and then kill Candida and balance your inner ecosystem.

Sources:  http://complete-health-and-happiness.com/five-foods-that-work-miracles-on-digestive-problems/

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Taking Prescription Medication with Homeopathy

Image result for Homeopathy RemediesYour Need for Medication May Reduce

Homeopathy may help you to need less medication. You yourself may have concerns about your medication. Some people are unhappy about side effects, and some do not want to depend on drugs all their lives. Some find prescribed medication ineffective. It can sometimes be difficult to establish which symptoms are your own, and which have been altered by drug treatment, or are side effects.

When you receive long-term homeopathic treatment, in some cases it may be possible to reduce dependency on drugs.  Side effects may also be reduced. However, you should never alter your prescribed medicine without discussing it with the physician who prescribed it.

Interactions with Medicines or Herbs?

Taking Prescription Medication with Homeopathy

Image result for Homeopathy Remedies

Homeopathy is safe with prescription medicines. Many people ask "What if I am taking medication from my doctor?" First of all, relax!  Homeopathy can safely be used alongside all prescription drugs. No reputable homeopath should ever ask you to stop taking medication prescribed by your own doctor.

Do Not Stop Taking Your Medication

Reducing or stopping prescribed drugs without advice may lead to serious problems: don’t do it!

Some conventional medicines may interact with others. As some patients may be taking five, ten or even more drugs at a time, no one, not even their doctor, can know what the likely effect will be. There has been very little research in this area.

During a homeopathic consultation, I always want to know what medicines you are taking, both prescribed and over-the-counter. I need to keep a record of any changes in your prescription as time goes on. I will do my best to advise you of possible side effects and drug interactions, but you should always ask you doctor or pharmacist first.

Image result for Homeopathy Remedies

Interactions between homeopathy and drugs

There can occasionally be interactions between drugs/medical conditions, and herbs or vitamins.

This includes interactions with chemotherapy.

Please do not confuse homeopathy with these. Homeopathy contains no strong chemicals, unlike drugs, or even herbs or vitamins, so chemical interactions are not possible.

Homeopathy will not interfere with any drug treatment.

Homeopathy will not interfere with any herbs or vitamins.

Homeopathy is even safe with cancer treatments such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy, but I always advise my clients to discuss this with their consultant. It is better if we all work together with no misunderstandings.

Homeopathy works by stimulating your own natural balancing and healing mechanisms, and not by treating any illness directly. If you follow instructions, prescribed homeopathic remedies have no side effects. I cannot say the same for over-the-counter homeopathic remedies that are taken without professional guidance.

I am happy to write to your doctor about your homeopathic treatment if you wish.

You may encounter one problem if you combine homeopathy with other treatments. It may be hard to tell what is doing what! However you will come to no harm from this. Your best guide is, only change one thing at a time. Whether you are starting homeopathic treatment, herbs, a new vitamin, reducing a prescribed medicine, going on a diet, or whatever - only change one thing at a time. Wait a few weeks to assess results before changing anything else, and consult your doctor/homeopath/other health professional.

Should I Tell My Doctor?

Some doctors encourage homeopathic treatment.  Most homeopaths, myself included, encourage you to maintain your relationship with your doctor. We would always encourage you to tell your doctor of any natural treatment you are receiving, although this remains your decision. This is particularly important if you are receiving conventional cancer treatment. Herbs and natural remedies may affect this, although homeopathic treatment is safe. You may want to invite your doctor to talk to me, for reassurance about any possible interactions.

Sources: http://naturalhealthanswers.co.uk/medication.php

Wednesday, 11 February 2015



Homeopathic medicine for common cold and flu symptoms

  BaniFluâ„¢ - Relief for Common Cold & Flu SymptomsBaniFlu is a safe, non-addictive, natural remedy containing 100% homeopathic ingredients especially selected to temporarily relieve common cold and flu symptoms. BaniFlu fights common cold and flu symptoms without side effects. Taken at the start of winter, or just before international travel, BaniFlu will increase the body’s immune support to help the body’s natural defense by providing a sound platform to support wellness and vitality.

BaniFlu is taken internally and presented in small dissolvable tablets. BaniFlu is easy to ingest and hassle-free with no artificial colors or preservatives. Due to its unique homeopathic formulation, it is safe for all ages.

All Native Remedies homeopathic products and biochemic tissue salts are manufactured in a FDA-registered and cGMP-compliant pharmaceutical facility under the supervision of qualified homeopaths and responsible pharmacists. Individual ingredients are listed in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS).

A stitch in time…

There are particular times throughout the year when falling victim to coughs, sniffles, sneezes, running noses, fevers, chills, headaches and ‘stuffy’ heads is more likely. Similarly, people who travel on vacation or business may contract a cold or flu when they least expect it. And because germs are able to mutate, it makes it hard for our immune system to keep up!

Most germs spread through the air but they are also spread by other means like hands, door handles, or even the faucets of public restrooms. The human body is designed to detect these ‘outsiders’ and the immune system kicks into gear, trying desperately to restore balance. That’s why we suffer with a running nose and fever – it’s our body’s way of fighting back, but doesn’t leave us feeling very good.

The natural way

There is a lot that can be done to support your immune system and help it to fight back to help alleviate common cold and flu symptoms. Drinking 8 glasses of fluid per day to flush out the system, getting enough good quality sleep, and eating a healthy diet with adequate quantities of vitamin C, vegetables and fruit are all important to help your body to restore balance and help to support the immune system.

Monday, 2 February 2015

Wormwood Extract Kills Cancer Cells

Wormwood Extract Kills Cancer Cells

Medieval as it sounds, scientists are testing a recipe of wormwood and iron on breast cancer cells, and so far the results are encouraging. In a new study, researchers report that artemesinin--a derivative of the wormwood plant--kills iron-enriched breast cancer cells but doesn't harm many healthy ones. Artemesinin's destructive properties are triggered by higher than normal levels of iron in cancer cells.

Many experiments have found that artemesinin turns deadly in the presence of iron. In Asia and Africa, artemesinin tablets are widely and, in many cases, successfully used to treat malaria, because the parasite has a high iron concentration. Cancer cells can also be rich in iron, as they often soak up the mineral to facilitate cell division. The cells bring in extra iron with the help of transferrin receptors, special receiving points that funnel the mineral into the cell. Although normal cells also have transferrin receptors, cancerous ones can have many more.

To test artemesinin's effect on breast cancer cells, bioengineers Henry Lai and Narendra Singh of the University of Washington, Seattle, enriched segregated normal breast cells and radiation-resistant cancerous ones with holotransferrin, a compound normally found in the body that carries iron to the cells. Then the team dosed the cells with artemesinin. As the pair reports in the 16 November issue of Life Sciences, almost all the cancer cells exposed to holotransferrin and artemesinin died within 16 hours. The compounds killed only a few of the normal cells. Lai believes that because a breast cancer cell contains five to 15 more receptors than normal, it absorbs iron more readily and hence is more susceptible to artemesinin's attack.

"This looks very promising," says Gary Poser, an organic chemist at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. Still, he adds, "other researchers need to replicate these results." The next step, says Poser, is to treat a mixture of normal and cancerous cells, instead of segregating the two. Lai and others are also interested in artemesinin's effect on other cancers.

Sources: http://news.sciencemag.org/chemistry/2001/11/wormwood-extract-kills-cancer-cells

Foods, Vitamins, and Herbs That Kill Cancer

Foods, Vitamins, and Herbs That Kill Cancer

While everyone knows that prevention is the best defense against cancer, many people don’t know that studies have shown that certain foods, herbs, and various supplements can actually reduce and reverse cancer as well.

Raw Fruits and Veggies

A diet consisting of a variety of raw fresh vegetables is the best prevention and also a potential cure for cancer, depending on how far the cancer has progressed and how easily the body can digest and properly assimilate nutrition. Berries, grapes, broccoli, leafy greens, sprouts, avocados, red and yellow peppers, red cabbage, dandelion, beets, and many more foods have been proven in numerous scientific studies to not only prevent, but to also destroy, cancer cells. If we did research on every single piece of produce we eat, we’d probably find that almost all of them, if not all of them, prevent and fight cancer in some way or another. This is what the modern diet is missing, fresh raw produce. Early humans ate pounds of it a day, all day, every day.

Do not underestimate the miraculous healing properties of whole, raw, fresh, organic, uncooked, unadulterated produce. Believe it or not, it’s the foundation of almost all of the best remedies for ailments, and it is the only path to true health. Eat a wide variety of raw produce every day. Cooked produce has benefits, but raw produce heals. Make big salads every day with lots of produce. Make sure that 80% of your diet is raw produce. I can’t stress it enough!


Certain types of mushrooms, including, but not limited to, turkey tail, reishi, hen of the woods, and agaricus blazei have been shown in studies to benefit people fighting cancer and to improve the overall immune system. Reishi is a great source of anti-oxidants. It can inhibit some malignant tumor growth, and it has a massive amount of other, amazing health benefits. Agaricus also contains strong anti-tumor properties. Countries like Japan and Brazil use it in cancer treatment protocols. Current research of turkey tail mushrooms reveals their cancer-killing effects, while hen of the woods (also know as maitake), provides anti-viral support and reduces blood pressure and blood sugar.

Herbs and Spices

Garlic, oregano, cloves, cayenne pepper, cinnamon, and ginger have been shown in multiple studies to fight cancer. Spice up your meals, especially those big salads. Fresh raw produce works synergistically with herbs and spices. In other words, the combination of garlic, oregano, and a bunch of vegetables is more powerful than garlic and/or oregano alone.
Speaking of combinations, turmeric and black pepper make a powerful cancer-killing duo. Most of you have heard of the incredible benefits of turmeric and it’s cancer-killing properties. Turmeric is known to actually outperform many pharmaceutical drugs for various diseases. The only problem with turmeric is that the beneficial component to which all the hoopla is about, curcumin, is not easily absorbed by the body. Black pepper contains piperine, a chemical with powerful antioxidant properties. Pepper and turmeric together inhibit the growth of cancer cells without destroying healthy cells.

When people eat a considerable amount of turmeric, within an hour, there’s a slight increase of curcumin in the blood, but the liver actually tries to get rid of it. When taken with a small amount of black pepper, the curcumin levels skyrocket. Reports range from a 200% increase to over 2,000%! It’s no coincidence that two of the main ingredients in curry powder are black pepper and turmeric. Come to think of it, ginger and cinnamon, two other powerhouse herbs, are also almost always found in curry spice blends as well. It’s no wonder…

Just like produce, raw herbs and spices are best (as opposed to powdered and processed). Cook with them all you like, but before eating a cooked meal, try throwing in some more flavor with freshly grated, crushed, or ground spices. This practice will not only increase your health, it will radically improve the taste of your food as well.

It should be noted that while I am a fan of whole foods, there are extracts and other supplement forms of foods that can be much more powerful for certain conditions and ailments.
results in an herbal killing machine that killed 98% of the breast cancer cells

Herbal Supplements, Vitamins, and Minerals

Getting a wide range of vitamins and minerals should be easy when you’re eating lots of produce, but it’s not always that simple. Our soil is so degraded even organic produce doesn’t have the nutrition it used to have. If you cannot grow your own produce in the most optimum conditions with the best soil, we recommend a primarily food-based nutrition powder from a source you know and trust. Not “whole food sourced”, we mean actual food like rose hips, lemon peels, chlorella, etc. When these nutrition formulas are done right, the enzymes are left intact.

One mineral deficiency can lead to other minerals being out of balance, causing an array of problems, including an inability to assimilate vitamins. In most cases, this is why taking one or two specific minerals for a long period of time is not recommended, unless under the supervision of a well-informed naturopath. Incidentally, the same is true for many vitamins. Get the bulk of your nutrition from raw food, first and foremost. Let food be your foundation.

Vitamin C is one vitamin that you can take a large amount of for a short period of time without worrying about it offsetting other nutrients, but taking large doses of vitamin C and assimilating lots of vitamin C are two different things. The best way for most people to take vitamin C as a daily supplement is within a good nutrition formula as previously mentioned and from a wide variety of produce such as red and yellow peppers, pineapple, citrus foods, and many others.

There are a ton of herbal tinctures, extracts, and other supplements that kill cancer cells. Echinacea, oil of oregano, clove oil, goldenseal, barberry, astragalus, pau d´arco, red clover, and skullcap are a few of the many plant based herbal supplements that kill cancer cells. Study after study shows that many of the right plants and plant extracts have more power to kill off cancer cells than conventional treatments.
Wormwood is a very powerful herb that is often used to kill parasites and Candida. Wormwood, more specifically, wormwood extract, kills cancer cells.

Kill 98% Of All Cancer Cells In Less Than 24 Hours

A new study has shown that a derivative of the wormwood plant, artemesinin, turns deadly in the presence of iron. Breast cancer cells have high levels of iron. When artemesinin senses these higher than usual levels of iron, it destroys the cancer cells with little damage to the surrounding healthy cells. This results in an herbal killing machine that killed 98% of the breast cancer cells present within 16 hours!

Although this study is in its first phase in a lab with petri dishes, artemesinin tablets are “widely and successfully” used to fight malaria for the same reason, the parasite responsible for malaria uptakes a large amount of iron, just like the breast cancer cells. Artemesinin zeros in on the iron and destroys the parasite.

Wormwood is known to be one of the best herbs for killing a number of parasites, and it is anti-microbial and anti-fungal, making wormwood a great addition for people who need to heal their gut.

Sources: http://www.organiclifestylemagazine.com/foods-vitamins-and-herbs-that-kill-cancer./